The Jean Pigozzi African Art Collection
Afrique en dérive - 2000
86 x 117 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Conflit des generations - 2005
132 x 238.5 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Cour des Grands - 2006
128 x 239.5 cm
Oil on canvas
Dans la grande forêt zaïroise - 1998
63 x 98 cm
Oil On Canvas
Désolation - 1999
77 x 111 cm
Oil On Canvas
L’esclavagisme - 2006
140 x 238 cm
Oil on canvas
L’espoir fait vivre - 2005
126 x 237.5 cm
Acrylic on canvas
La bombe anatomique - 2005
124 x 236 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Le Sud: poubelle du Nord ? - 2008
137.5 x 187 cm
Oil on canvas
Les défis de la mondialisation - 2005
131.5 x 238 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Les nouveaux maîtres du monde - 2008
129 x 209 cm
Oil on canvas
Les réfugiés de Kingasani - 1998
67 x 93 cm
Oil On Canvas
Moké : Le début de la fin - 2001
142 x 292 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Monde en effervessence - 2005
195 x 345.5 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Où va le monde? - 2006
149 x 370 cm
Acrylic and oil on canvas
Phénomène de la sape - 2005
129.5 x 239 cm
Oil on canvas
Pourquoi ça ne tourne pas rond dans l’atelier ? - 2000
132 x 170 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Prison des obligations - 2008
137 x 187 cm
Oil on canvas
Que nous réserve le 21ème siècle? - 2006
198 x 359 cm
Oil on canvas
Chéri Cherin
Joseph Kinkonda called, Chéri Chérin
Born 1955, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
Lives and works in Kinshasa.
In the heart of Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire), five times larger than France, possesses incomparable natural human and cultural riches. More than 400 ethnic groups speaking as many languages have flooded into Kinshasa in one exodus after another. A megalopolis with more than 10 million inhabitants, Kinshasa exemplifies the famous article 15 of the Constitution which encourages people to take themselves in hand. Often this is done with talent, or even with genius. And this popular genius is what makes “Kin-the Beautiful” a stunning city, by day and by night.
Since the early 1970s, the city has witnessed a creative explosion in every artistic realm.
The group “Viva la Musica”, led by the superstar Papa Wemba, has enjoyed a huge popular success. It was a member of this group, Kester Emeneya, who invented the concept of the SAPE, the “Society of Atmosphere-Creators and Elegant Personalities”. In this Kinshasa institution, Chéri Chérin is one of the most prestigious figures.
Within this effervescent context, the 1978 exhibition Art Everywhere, brought attention to a whole group of young “people’s” artists, co-called because their representational, narrative painting is rooted in an addressed to the people at large. Samba, Moké, Bodo, and Chéri Chérin, the chief innovators of the group, have achieved success and have been embraced by all Kinshasa.
The artists in the “gang” – it is neither a school nor a movement – work in their separate studios on subjects inspired by social and political developments. They are differentiated as much by choice of subjects by style by the way they treat pictorial space, and by their use of colour. Chéri Chérin whose name is an acronym for “Créateur Hors (série) Expressionniste Remarquable INéganable unique en son genre” (« unclassifiable remarkable Expressionist creator unequalled and unique in this field »), gives equal prominence to subject, form, representation, intelligibility, and decorative qualities. In this way he draws the spectator into his own interrogations, imprecisions, uncertainties, and unfinished works. He denounces a world in which opportunism and comedy threaten to win out over the true values for which Chéri Chérin means to fight.
“And if you, in the West, say that painting is finished, I will not give in to the facility of video as it is seen everywhere today, even in the Dakar biennale. I will keep on painting and you will see what you will see.”
Expressions d'Afrique Inside Jean Pigozzi's Collection
Galerie Gmurzynska - Zurich
23 Oct 2019 – 31 Jan 2020
Congo Stars, Kunsthalle Tübingen, Germany
Congo Stars, Kunsthaus Graz, Austria
Kinshasa, par Chéri Chérin et Moke fils, French Institute, Beirut, Lebanon
Essentiel Paysage, Al Maaden Art Gallery, Contemporary African Art Center, Marrakech, Morocco
Congo Art Works. Popular Painting, Bozar, Brussels, Belgium
Beauté Congo – 1926-2015 – Congo Kitoko, Fondation Cartier, Paris, France
Luminós/C/ity.Ordinary Joy: From the Pigozzi Contemporary African Art Collection, Ethelbert Cooper Gallery of African & African American Art, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
Peintres reporters de l’urbanité, à Kinshasa, Latitude 21, Dijon, France
JAPANCONGO, Garage Center for Contemporary Culture, Moscow, Russia
JapanCongo, Magasin Grenoble, France
Riad Al Maaden, Magnin-A, Marrakech, Morocco
African Stories
Marrakech Art Fair, Marrakech
Africa? Una nuova storia
Complesso del Vittoriano, Rome, Italy
Popular Painting from Kinshasa
Tate Modern, London
Why Africa?
Pinacoteca Giovanni e Marella Agnelli
Turin - Italy
100% Africa
Guggenheim Museum
Bilbao - Spain
15 ans de transition, Memling Hotel
Kinshasa - Democratic Republic of Congo
Peinture populaire congolaise, Museum of Haitien art
Port au Prince – Haïti
(travelling exhibition)
Africa Remix
Art contemporain d’un continent
24 July 2004 - 7 Nov 2004
Museum Kunst Palast
Düsseldorff - Germany
Hayward Gallery,
London - England
Centre Georges Pompidou,
Paris - France
Mori Art Museum
Tokyo - Japan
La Cité dans la peinture populaire, Wallonie Bruxelles Center of Kinshasa, Kinshasa - Democratic Republic of Congo
An/Sichten-Malerei aus dem Kongo 1990-2000
Museum für Völkerkunde
Wien - Austria
Quatre peintres congolais, Cultural Center Gembloux
Brussel - Belgium
Mémoires de Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi National Museum
Kinshasa - Democratic Republic of Congo
Gallery Art Körner
The Hague - Netherlands
Neerpelt - Belgium
Kin Moto Na Bruxelles, Hotel de Ville
Brussel - Belgium
Marc Dengis Gallery
Brussel - Belgium
Wallonie Bruxelles Center of Kinshasa
Kinshasa - Democratic Republic of Congo
French Cultural Center of Kinshasa
Kinshasa - Democratic Republic of Congo
Post War & Art Contemporain
Millon Trocadéro, Drouot catalogue pp80-81
Beauté Congo 1926-2015 Congo Kitoko, Fondation Cartier, Exhibition catalogue
Why Africa?
Exhibition catalogue. Published by Electa & Pinacoteca Giovanni e Marella Agnelli.
100% Africa
Exhibition catalogue. Published by TF Editores & FMGB Guggenheim Bilbao Museum.
Exhibition catalogue.
15 ans de transition, Memling Hotel
Exhibition catalogue : Celestin Badibanga and Joseph Ibongo.
Africa Remix
Exhibition catalogue. published in German, English, French and Japanese. Published by Hatje Cantz Verlag.
Kin Moto Na Bruxelles
Exhibition catalogue : Celestin Badibanga and al.
Marc Dengis Gallery
La Cité dans la peinture populaire, Wallonie Bruxelles Center of Kinshasa,
Exhibition catalogue : Joseph Ibongo
An/Sichten-Malerei aus dem Kongo 1990-2000
Museum für Völkerkunde
Exhibition catalogue : Bogumil Jewsiewicki and Barbara Plankensteiner.