The Jean Pigozzi African Art Collection
Därtähal - 1995
105.2 x 147.3 cm
Ballpoint pen, led pencil, graphite and ink on paper
L’Amour (Love) - 1987
75 x 108 cm
Ballpoint pen, led pencil, graphite and ink on paper
La Lumière - 1987
108 x 75.2 cm
Ballpoint pen, led pencil, graphite and ink on paper
La Richesse (Wealth) - 1987
75 x 108 cm
Ballpoint pen, led pencil graphite and ink on paper
Popularité (Popularity) - 1987
108 x 75 cm
Ballpoint pen, led pencil, graphite and ink on paper
Talisman - 1987
54.2 x 75 cm
Ballpoint pen, led pencil, graphite and ink on paper
Untitled - 1990
110 x 55 cm
Colored pencil
Untitled - 1987
29.8 x 41.9 cm
Ink on paper
Untitled - 1988
54 x 75.6 cm
Ink on paper
Untitled 4 - 1987
36.8 x 54.6 cm
Ink on paper
Born 1939, Bagemdir, Ethiopia
Died 1995, Därtähal, Ethiopia
Far from being an artist seeking his roots, Gedewon was one of the finest practitioners of poetry and rhetoric in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Along with his religious studies, he was secretly initiated into talismanic art, a discipline used for prayer and healing. Reaching back as far as the origins of Christianity in Ethiopia (i.e., to the fourth century), talismanic art draws on the same Hellenic sources as Arab alchemy and the Hebrew Kabala. But while the art remained embryonic in the Mediterranean world, it flourished in Ethiopia as a means to cure patients whose ills were understood in terms of spiritual possession. For Gedewon, talismans were a writing from before writing; they were at once equally figure and text.
Gedewon called his works talismans of research and study. The purpose of his art was to heal body and soul through ancient patterns, imagery, and invocation. While employing established models, Gedewon also considered it necessary to question the patient in order to incorporate specific experiences and visions into the talisman. In turn, he would create new images for new problems. His works, executed in pencil, ballpoint pen, or ink on paper, are primarily graphic and within their geometric framework, highly representational. In these talismans of research and study, Gedewon is both the healerand because of his empathythe patient, artist and hallucinator in anothers stead.
With contributions from Jacques Mercier
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Gallery 351- Ethiopia
VENICE BIENNALE: 54th International Art Exhibition, Italian Pavillion
2009 - 2010
Nov. 2009 - Jan. 2010
Africa? Una nuova storia
Complesso del Vittoriano, Rome, Italy
Arts of Africa
Grimaldi Forum
Monaco - France
African Art Now : Masterpieces from the Jean Pigozzi Collection
Museum of Fine Art Houston
Houston - USA
2003 2004
Vernacular Visionaries: International Outsider Art in Context
Museum of International Folk Art
Santa Fe, New Mexico USA
Art that Heals
Apex Art
New York Etats Unis.
Dessins Choisis
Forum Culturel de Blanc-Mesnil
Le Blanc-Mesnil, France
Working in the Spirit : Gedewon and Vyakul
Cavin-Morris Gallery.
New York, Etats Unis.
2000 2001
Dessins Choisis
Alliance éthio-française
Addis Adeba, Ethiopie
Partage dExotismes
La Halle Tony Garnier
Lyon, France.
Africa, Africa -A vibrant Art from a Dynamic Continent
Tobu Museum of Art.
Tokyo, Japan.
Schloss Halbturn.
Die Anderen Modernen
Haus Der Kulturen Der Welt.
Berlin, Germany.
Art that Heals
Museum for African Art.
New-york, USA.
Lumière Noire
Tanlay Art Center.
Tanlay, France.
Sao Paulo 23rd Biennal.
Krank : Warum ?
Deutschen Higiene Museum.
Dresden, Germany.
Le Roi Salomon et les Maîtres du Regard
Oceanian and African Art National Museum
Paris, France.
African Art Now: Masterpieces from the Jean Pigozzi Collection
Exhibition catalogue. Published by Merrell.
Vernacular Visionaries: International Outsider Art in Context.
Edited by Annie Carlano, published by Yale University Press.
Africa-Africa, A Vibrant Art from a Dynamic Continent
Tobu Museum of Art. Gedewon p.54-59.
Bilingual text : Japanese and english.
Tokyo, Japan.
Zeitgenössische Kunst Aus Afrika Asien und Lateinamerika.
Edition : Braus. Haus Der Kulturen Der Welt.
Gedewon p.68-69.
Contemporary Art of Africa.
Gedewon by Jacques Mercier, p.58-59 text in English.
Edited by André Magnin & Jacques Soulillou.
Publisher Harry N. Abraams, New-York.
Sao Paulo 23rd Biennal.
Exhibition catalogue
Gedewon p.112-117 by Jacques Mercier.
Bilingual text : Portuguese, English.