The Jean Pigozzi African Art Collection
Untitled - 2004
99.5 x 99.5 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Untitled - 2006
109 x 109 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Untitled - 2004
89 x 88.5 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Untitled - 2004
104.5 x 104 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Untitled - 2004
69.5 x 139.5 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Untitled - 2004
105 x 105 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Untitled - 2007
133 x 194 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Untitled - 2007
119 x 198 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Untitled - 2007
98.5 x 97.5 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Untitled - 2007
119 x 198 x 2 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Untitled - 2007
139 x 195 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Untitled - 2009
99 x 169 cm
Acrylic and collage on canvas
Untitled - 2009
99.5 x 171 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Untitled - 2009
99.5 x 170 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Untitled - 2009
139.5 x 119.5 x 2.8 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Untitled (Diptych) - 2006
[89 x 89] x 2 cm
Acrylic and collage on canvas
Pathy Tshindele
Born 1976, Kinshasa, Zaïre. Lives and works in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Pathy Tshindele belongs to the new generation of Congolese artists, presently under 30 years of age, who have made a name for themselves in the last three years in Kinshasa. Most of them studied at the Fine Arts Academy, but Pathy says he had to unlearn what he'd been taught there to develop his own way of working.
Tshindele's work straddles several artistic media, which he blends. He changes his medium whenever he feels that things become too easy for him. A way of being inventive in a country where art has had two distinct poles: one that is static and academic, and the other, the popular painting that he grew up with from early childhood, and of which one sees traces in the event-oriented qualities of some of his canvases. The most important thing, he says, is to define an action, to question the world.
This ceaseless questioning led him to start, with his friends from the Eza Possibles collective, the "Kinshasa Wenze Wenze" artistic event in August 2003. It involved recovering wrecked cars from all over the city and turning them into sculptures. A way of questioning the decaying state of the city, the difficulties of everyday life, and the attitude of its inhabitants. It was a seminal moment and a shock for Kinshasa, especially as it was time for the Congolese to make a statement. The young artists made the most of this area of risk, confrontation and freedom that their creativity had offered them.
Tshindele's canvases can be understood by anyone. He borrows from situations and their context, especially from expressions and elements of the Kin language. He says he's making a dictionary of this unwritten language, that is being made up from day to day. But of course in this respect too, his canvases question things. They are like screams, like punches. They are related to a context, but a context in the broad sense of the word. Especially as Pathy says himself that issues related to race, nationality or even gender are the least of his worries, and that he feels he's citizen of the world.
Fiction Congo, Museum Rietberg, Zurich, Switzerland
Art Paris Art Fair, Grand Palais, Paris, France
L'Afrique des routes, Musée du Quai Branly, Paris, France
Galeristes, Carreau du temple, Paris, France
1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair, London, UK
1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair, New York, USA
Beauté Congo – 1926-2015 – Congo Kitoko, Fondation Cartier, Paris, France
Art Genève, Geneva, Switzerland
Feb 6 - Apr 24 2011
Magasin Grenoble, France
Oct 8 - Oct 25 2010
African Stories
Marrakech Art Fair, Marrakech
2009 - 2010
Nov. 2009 - Jan. 2010
Africa? Una nuova storia
Complesso del Vittoriano, Rome, Italy
Oct 06 – Feb 03 2008
Why Africa?
Pinacoteca Giovanni e Marella Agnelli
Turin, Italy
Oct 12- Feb 18. 2007
100% Africa
Guggenheim Museum
Bilbao, Spain
Batika bisso
Halle de l’Etoile, Lumbubashi, RDC
Tina te ekomi na tina
La Jeune Création Kinoise
CCF, Halle de la Gombé, Kinshasa, DRC
Beaux Arts, Nantes, France
Salon des arts et artisanats congolais JUA-KALI
CCF, Kinshasa, DRC
VIH Sida Collège Boboto
GTZ society Germany/Kin
Kinshasa, DRC
2nd Edition “village artistique”
CCF, Kinshasa, DRC
1st edition “village artistique”
ABA, Kinshasa, DRC
Ex Africa - Musée du Quai Branly - Jacques Chirac - Sous la direction de Philippe Dagen - Gallimard, Paris
Beauté Congo – 1926-2015 – Congo Kitoko, Fondation Cartier, Exhibition catalogue
Pathy Tshindele Peintre, Text : Jean Christophe Lanquetin, Published by Editions de l’Oeil, Paris
Why Africa?
Exhibition catalogue. Published by Electa & Pinacoteca Giovanni e Marella Agnelli., Italy
100% Africa
Exhibition catalogue. Published by TF Editores & FMGB Guggenheim Bilbao Museum, Spain.